Sunday, January 6, 2008

Our Christmas! FINALLY!!!!

It has been awhile but I am finally back into blogging world. We have been feeling better for a couple of days but I have been lazy and have not wanted to blog. So here it is...I know that you have all been sitting on the edge of your seats for this. I will warn you that this is long, but instead of making you look at all 158 of our photos I just picked a few from each Christmas activity.
I will begin with the visit to see Santa. I must admit that I thought for sure we would have atleast two crying, but we only had one. Luke wanted no part of sitting by Santa. Standing by and looking at him fine, but not sitting with him.

Kade's class had a Christmas program during one of the PTA meetings. Since there are so many kids and so many classes each class was assigned a song to perform. Here he is in costume singing Feliz Navidad. They all looked so cute.

A few nights later we went to Luke's program at school. As you can see he is upset and looking right at the camera. He did not start crying until he spotted us in the crowd.

The week before Christmas we decided to head over to Lake Lanier Islands to enjoy the lights. We decided to stop and roast marshmallows and make smore's. YUMMY!!!!
Kade and Luke are enjoying the marshmallows that Daddy toasted for them.

Steve making me a smore's!

Alex and I trying to get warm by the fire! It was freezing that night.

Now we have moved onto Kade's party at school. Lauren, Kade, and Ian are making reindeer food.

This was the activity at the party Kade could not wait to get to. Making his own Gingerbread House!!!! Of course we were in the last group to get to that table and he was ready. Here he is putting the finishing touches on his house.

Now on to Luke's party. Here we are starting our Christmas craft. We made a tree. He could of cared less about the actually craft all he wanted to do was put glue on everything. We eventually got everything together with lots of glue.

Instead of gifts the kids had a book exchange. Luke was ready to select his gift from the stack.

The next few are random shots of them opening gifts during the holidays. Instead of adding pictures from every single house we visited I just selected a few.

This was Alex's new set of wheels that she got for Christmas. Poor girl can not even ride it because Luke will not stay off of it. I will add that he already has a Spiderman 4-wheeler and he barely rides it.

This photo was made at my Papa's house. This is a photo of My Papa and all of his grandchildren and great grandchildren. I am the oldest grandchild and Alex is the youngest great grandchild.

This was taken right before bedtime on Christmas Eve. Steve always reads the kids The Night Before Christmas, right before Santa arrives. Luke could not resist making a face at the camera.

Kade making a silly face Christmas morning.

Alex looking around wondering where all this loot came from!

Luke was very excited about all of his new stuff. He did not know what to play with next.

And this is how our Christmas ended....Alex sick. Here she is laying in her princess sleeping bag that she received. She was already not feeling well when this photo was taken.

We'll if you are reading this it means you are still with me. Thanks for hanging in there!
Hope you guys are having a awesome NEW YEAR!!
Happy '08.


Curt, Mariah, & Carli Badura said...

Glad you are back!

Heather said...

Glad your back. Thanks for sharing the Christmas pictures.

Anonymous said...

yea! angela's back! love all these pictures, girl! what a gorgeous family you have. Luke just cracks me up. and i love the pic of alex in the sleeping bag. so cute! glad you all had a Merry Christmas. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Chris said...

I love that last picture too. Snuggle bug! Glad everyone is feeling better. I'm doing much better too. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Ok, that pic of Alex standing in front of her new toy(that I begged you to get her)....she looks just like Luke! Loved all the pics. Did the kids get a kitchen for your parents house too? In the pic of Alex on her new ride it looks like Christmas morning..... but I have a sneaking feeling that it was at Papa & Granmommy's!

Andrea said...

One day he will laugh at these pictures of him crying but for now I have to say-"awww, poor Lukie" ; )

Love the pic of the kids with Steve reading them "Twas the night before Christmas". Classic-one you can take every year to see how much everyone has grown/changed!

Tara said...

Glad you have a new post! Poor Luke with those tears. He's so cute tears and all though. I'm glad you are all feeling better.

Caron said...

Poor Luke!!! At least Santa redeemed himself with the Backyardigan's coloring book!! So precious!!

Oh, and I'm soooooo glad you all are well!!! That stuff is the PITS!! I was sick for 9 days! Horrible I tell ya!!

Bethany said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. Love the pics.