Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

We'll we had no plans for Valentine's except to stay at home with the kids. We had a very romantic dinner of hotdogs and fries (the key to any childs heart). Here we are enjoying dinner while the boys were being silly. I am reading the letter that Steve wrote me again. It was very sweet and he would kill me if I copied it onto the blog.

We got the kids Valentine gifts and Kade could not wait to open his. He finally gets to open his gift and he found a movie and book.

Here is Luke digging into his gift (not a very good picture but for a fast 1 year old it will have to do). He was very excited about what was in his bag...... his favorite a Backyardigans book and movie.

Here is Alex watching all the action. She could have cared less, but she did get two cute outfits to wear this summer.

All in all it was a very uneventful day which is fine with me. We spent the evening together and that is all that matters. Hope everyone had a great day.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, the kids are adorable. Glad that you all had a good Valentine's Day. As for the romantic dinner of hot dogs, who could ask for more?!?!?!

Love ya

Anonymous said...

that little baby girl is just precious! and your boys are very handsome. glad it was a great v-day for you and your fam. hotdogs and fries sounds like a perfect way to spend the holiday! we had chinese take-out ourselves! :)

Bethany said...

Happy Belated Valentine's Day! We need a play date soon! Olivia misses the boys, and I can't wait to get my hands on Alex.