Go Volcanoes!!!
Soccer season has begun again. This is Kade's third time playing soccer with the YMCA. Here he is with two other teammates at the half taking a break. (Kade is the blonde on the right.)
The second quarter Kade was moved to try out the goalie position. He was very serious. No one scored a goal on him!!! Here you can see the team mom giving Kade instructions.
Since they do not keep score we are not sure who actually won. They were all great and it is so funny to watch the kids on the field. GO VOLCANOES!!!!
OK, I know that I am not partial or anything but.....Kade is like the cutest soccer player ever! I can't wait till I don't have to work and can bring Morgan to a game! GO VOLCANOES!!!
Boy, you're on a role. I've missed like 4 of your blogs...you're making me look bad! He's too cute...makes me kinda think soccer could be fun!!!!
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