Christmas '08 Alex got a Barbie Jeep from my parents. She was still kind of small to drive so Luke jumped in and drove her around. (Luke loves to drives...anything.) Late this summer Alex jumped into the driver seat and began driving. At first she would struggle because she did not understand holding the gas pedal down, she would pump it. These photos were taken with Miss behind the wheel going high speed in the Barbie Jeep. She wanted to drive her baby around so I said "Lets put her in her car seat so she will be safe". Boy OH Boy!!Then Luke wants to jump in and Alex makes him hold the baby.

She never watches where she is going. Watch out!

Here is a close up of her and the baby.

And shortly after the last photo, she hit the pole at full speed. I thought that Alex and Chloe (baby) were going to be thrown out of the seats, but they made it.